fletch makes stuff
hello there!

Nice to meet you! I'm Fletch. I like to create small games that are short enough for you to play on your lunch break. You'll also find me streaming on Twitch twice weekly, as well as chatting with other creatives in my Discord!


I make and publish many games on itch.io! Every one of them is free-to-play, and many of them are playable straight from your desktop or mobile browser. Check them out!


I stream twice weekly on Twitch! Come watch me play cozy games, do game development live, or hold special events! Streams are chill and good for coworking or coexisting.

Tuesdays and Fridays @ 9am ET


Join our community Discord, where many folks in my community share art, game development updates, and more! We are very supportive of new devs and look forward to seeing what you do!

fletch fest

Every year, I host a week-long creativity jam called Fletch Fest! You can submit anything you want - a game, some art, a performance, anything! We just love celebrating the beautiful reality that humans are creative beings. You can expect the next Fletch Fest to take place in March 2025.

contact me

Need to get in touch? Send me an email!
